Recognition come in the form of awards, accreditation, certification or 卓越的称号-所有这些都可以帮助病人和 家庭认同优质护理. 我们为获得认可而感到自豪 我们的许多项目和服务. 以下是最近的一些亮点:
博彩app医院博彩app系统 (WHHS) earned 联合 Commission’s 金印章® for 脊柱外科高级证书 (ACSS) by demonstrating continuous 符合其性能标准. 金印象征着卓越 这反映了博彩app机构提供服务的承诺 安全、高质量的病人护理. WHHS是全国20家医院之一 获得这一享有盛誉的认证的国家. (2023年11月16日- 2025年11月16日)
博彩app Hospital is proud to be designated as an ACS Surgical Quality Partner by the American College of Surgeons, underscoring its unwavering 致力于最高标准的外科护理. ACS质量计划 have a legacy of improving health 护理 outcomes, preventing complications, 一个多世纪以来,拯救生命,降低成本. 这些项目 are widely recognized as a crucial benchmark for assessing a hospital's 手术质量. (2023)
世界卫生组织(世卫组织)和联合国儿童基金会 Fund (UNICEF) named 博彩app Hospital a Baby-Friendly designated facility 对母乳喂养的母亲和婴儿的特殊支持.
博彩app Hospital is the recipient of several of the Best of 弗里蒙特 奖项,包括最佳医院. 医院的几名医务人员 员工还获得了最佳弗里蒙特奖或荣誉. (2022, 2023)
博彩app Hospital has been recognized as the Best Hospital serving Newark 居民. 此外,还有几名医院医务人员 还获得了纽瓦克最佳奖或荣誉. (2019)
博彩app医院博彩app系统 has been honored with the MDC Superstar Award: Medium Birth Volume Hospitals by the California Maternal Quality 护理协作. 该奖项授予1000至2499人的医院 annual births for their outstanding engagement with the Maternal Data Center. (2024)
博彩app Hospital has earned the prestigious Joint Commission seal of 批准. 完整的三年认证是认可的金印章 from the nation's oldest and largest standards-setting and accrediting 身体保健. (2014年8月、2017年5月、2021年5月)
Magnet designation from the American Nurses Credentialing Center is the 这是国家对卓越护理的最高认可. 博彩app 医院是美国仅有的8%的医院之一.S. 获得磁铁认证的医院 自2011年以来一直享有这一殊荣.
博彩app Hospital has been recognized by Beta 健康护理 Group for its 在急诊科寻求零质量倡议. 追求 Zero是一个降低风险的项目,旨在提高患者的安全. 博彩app Hospital earned the award when 100% of the Emergency Department nurses 医师完成第一级 & 零目标计划的第二层. (2021)
博彩app Hospital has been recognized by Beta 健康护理 Group for its 探索产科零质量倡议. 《博彩app》是有风险的 减少计划,以提高病人的安全. (2021)
博彩app Hospital has received the 实践绿色健康伙伴的改变 Award in recognition of its achievements in developing programs to prevent pollution, reduce and recycle solid waste, eliminate mercury, reduce water 和能源消耗,建立“绿色”采购政策. (2022)
博彩app医院是美国医疗质量排名前69位的加州医院之一.S. 博彩app官网与世界报道. 这一认可彰显了医院的奉献精神 为病人提供高标准的护理. (2023)
U.S. 博彩app官网 & 世界报告将博彩app医院评为高绩效医院 膝关节和髋关节置换医院. (2020)
博彩app Hospital earned high performance ratings for congestive heart 失败,慢性阻塞性肺病,髋关节置换术和膝关节置换术,这导致了 a number 5 ranking in the San Francisco Metro Area and number 32 in California. (2018)
博彩app Hospital received three-year accreditation from the Commission on Cancer and also earned their 杰出成就奖 for cancer 护理. (2022)
博彩app Hospital's Breast Program received three-year accreditation from the National Accreditation Program for Breast Centers, a consortium of national, professional organizations focused on 乳房 health and dedicated to the improvement of quality outcomes fo patients with diseases of the 乳房. (2022)
博彩app医院博彩app系统 received the Hope Award from the 她的乳腺癌基金会. (2023)
After conducting a detailed survey, 联合 Commission granted 博彩app 医院的住院实验室获得了为期两年的认证. 联合 Commission's laboratory seal of 批准 verifies that 博彩app Hospital's operational systems, which are critical to the safety and quality of patient 护理,是最高标准的卫生保健. (2022)
博彩app Hospital received a Five-Star Recipient for Gallbladder Removal 2023年的手术.
健康grades Names 博彩app医院博彩app系统 One of America’s 门诊骨科手术50强,美国50强之一 最好的门诊关节置换医院. (2024)
博彩app Hospital is a recipient of the 健康排名100家最佳医院 连续六年担任骨科医生. (2018-2023)
博彩app Hospital is a recipient of the Orthopedic Surgery Excellence 连续11年获奖. (2014-2024)
博彩app Hospital is a recipient of the 健康grades Joint Replacement 连续17年获得优秀奖. (2007-2023)
博彩app Hospital received a Five-Star Distinction for Total Hip Replacement 连续20年(2004-2023),髋部骨折治疗 连续三年. (2022-2024)
博彩app Hospital is also named among the top 10% in the nation for Overall Orthopedic 服务 for 10 years in a row (2014-2023), and for Joint Replacement 连续18年. (2006-2023)
The knee and hip replacement surgery programs at 博彩app Hospital have earned 蓝十字和蓝盾协会的蓝色荣誉 for delivering 优质的专业护理——安全、有效、低成本. (2020)
联合 Commission has granted 博彩app Hospital full recertification 高级初级中风项目. 中风项目认证 process is designed to help organizations continuously provide safe, high-quality 护理、治疗和服务. 博彩app医院已获得重新认证 for two more years and received no recommendations for improvement, which 重新认证的最高可能结果是什么. (2021)
AHA acknowledges 博彩app Hospital's commitment and success in implementing a higher standard of stroke 护理 by ensuring that stroke patients receive treatment according to nationally accepted standards and recommendations. The Hospital earned the Get with the Guidelines - 中风 Gold Plus with 荣誉榜精英和目标:2型糖尿病荣誉榜. Get with 精英荣誉榜表彰的是治疗急性心脏病的医院 ischemic stroke in the most effective way possible using evidence-based 的指导方针. (2022, 2023)